Mother of boy classified a complaint with interior matters today. The chief of police force says that the incident is being studied. Family of adolescence boy says that video speaks it for itself.
The video of telephone can or can not prove violence
A police force brings back states Friday evening to the houses of Whitlock of mark, Casey stopped in before a police car and made a dance. Rapport indicates that the police force saw Casey and three others strolling on somebody the 'porch of S and ordered them to leave.
The police force claims Casey was giving a kick and trying to break freely but they regained the order. The video shows leaders fighting with Casey in a corner.
Today, room of Stephen of activist of community, which 's also functioning for the municipal council, called this an injustice. It is not an exit of race but an exit of the injustice and abuse of power and police brutality
Trevor Casey may way about 120 pounds, if that. Yet, in the video footage it is clear that the two officers in question may way over 200 pounds...there is no justifiable reason why these officers conducted themselves in the manner that they did. Ward states, “This is beyond a tragedy. I understand the moral of the Toledo police may be low, and their stress levels elevated due to the recent layoffs. However, police are to protect and serve the citizens. This is another time in which the trust and respect between the police and citizens have been breached.”
Well... WTF did he do to have the police come there? What were they investigating? How did they come to the point of confronting this teen? Once the report is out of why they were in this situation in the first place then we can pass judgement. Otherwise it could just be a kid starting shit with a cop getting laid out and then trying to sue for money.
It is known that some criminals enroll in law enforcement for the simple reason of having the power and batch that gives the freedom to do as they please and get away with it !
A batch hey? A batch of what?
I don't see ANY police brutality here. Non of the police officer did anything inapropiate on that video, just because he is bleeding doesn't mean anybody did anything wrong, we should be more careful accusing a policemen of brutality, they have a tough job already and I hate them as everybody, but there is absolutely nothing wrong in this video.
There is need to reform the police. Brutality must end.
I thnk that both cops should be terminated and jailed. Who know how many others that they have done this too. Regardless of what the childs crime may be, he is a juvinile....NO WAY NO HOW SHOULD THEY KEEP THEIR JOBS OR FREEDOM
Context ... for fuck's sake, context!
What led up to this? Honestly I've seen 14-year-olds pull knives on cops and then get their faces ruined... seems pretty reasonable to me.
That said, if this was unprovoked, I have faith in the fact that our judicial system will lock these two guys up.
My point is this: The video is hosted on a site called "policebrutality.info" which suggests (at the very least) a bias. It's also incredibly convenient that we don't see the event that caused the cops to get this physical.
for the weak b**tch who said they did not see anything wrong with this video. How would you feel if this happen to your family member oops you are white and you hellish people don't have to worry at this point in time; however what are you going to do when the tables turn.
Keeping him in a choke hold, suffocating him until he passes out -UNACCEPTABLE- Period.
No matter what the situation was, that was not proper police procedure, and holding his arms back and upward in restraint after he passed out as if there were a need for restraint at that moment *When they should have been checking his breathing and heart rate status* UNACCEPTABLE**
The (deep red bloodshot) burst veins in the eyes in the immediate days after a strangulation are signs of just that. It's called Etiology, and only happens in extreme cases of strangulation, which was prolonged and at a high enough density possible of causing death.
It's seen all the time in domestic violence case photos, and this boy has it. Those officers are damn lucky he isn't dead. They will be even luckier if he doesn't lose any of his sensory abilities or have a speech impairment. Stupified.
I find this very disturbing. My friend and I decided to make a video montage of some police brutality videos and a music parody to go along with it. Check it out on our youtube channel. www.unboxingkrew352
I would like to know what the person did to have the police involved with him. What is his criminal record, and back round. Was he in possession of a weapon, I would like to konw the complete story before I cast my opinion.
A child still should not be brutality beaten like that. they're still children. no matter what.
Children with weapons are just as deadly as adults; look at the child soldiers in Africa. Point is, children can be violent criminals who kill people and if they are violent then they should be stopped. Of course unnecessary brutality or unprovoked force is unacceptable and should be stopped. Brutality is a very serious issue from either end, civilian violence on police or police violence on civilians. Context is very important in these situations, so sites like this that only show one side of the story are very dangerous, provoking a serious issue that hits at the core of most people’s sensibilities.
I live in toledo where this happened. out police suck and most just want the job for power over everyone else cause our mayor doesnt give a damn if they beat up a 14 yr old...
whatever...oh poor little boy...you know hes a pos drug dealer
There are a lot of dumbasses on here defending the police and they really need to shut up and get their heads out of their asses. If these cops found that boy like that then why were they covering up his mouth in the video to stop his screaming which you can obviously hear at the beginning of the video. And why didn't they call him an ambulance instead of throwing him on the ground when he was mostly unconscious! They were caught when someone showed up with a camera and they knew it. Whatever reason they came to this house they had no right or necessity to do this to a child!!! They are supposed to put away the child abusers not BE them! This little kid was one third the size of one of those cops and if they wanted to arrest him they could have easily subdued him without hurting him. I hope these two evil men rot in jail and I hope the family sues for millions and gets it! I know that I'm shooting to kill if any cop enters my property without a warrant and they can read the Bill of Rights posted on my door right before they do. Where the hell do they think they are; Hitler's Germany? Evil cops be dammed straight to the deepest, darkest, hottest, most tormented level of hell that God has reserved for them. Don't think that this cannot happen to innocent people like yourselves because it does every day! Just go on youtube and search it and you'll see tons of this kind of crap caught on tape! We officially now live in a fascist state.
This is all very sad in many ways. Most of the comments posted on this page regardless what side you're on does nothing more than make you sound like a jackass! This amateure video does nothing more but show a poor bloddy teen(regardless of crime) being held in a headlock by police to subdue him. Did he need to be held til choked out? Hell no! The 2 officers shown should hv been able to put him in cuffs with the size they were AS LONG AS this "poor bloody teen" did not have a weapon. Hear this "poor bloody teen" screaming? Who hears that? What proof do you have on WHO is screaming in the video between the audio of the woman running with her phone while yelling and talking to all the others bystanders. And honestly, the way thing are today, unless proven in a report, who is to say he was choked out rather than puting on a show since you clealry see him look into the camera. It's so horrible this world has turned to this. I do believe we have corrupt cops who do not desreve a badge. Unfortunately we also have horrible people who will do anything to falsely make acusations to get rid of them rather than doing it justified. This town would be torn upside down if it would have been 2 white policeman on an african american boy or even 2 african american police officers on a white boy. Everything has to be about race. Everyone has to use the crutch. Point is that we do not have the complete play by play of this incident, yet you all run your mouths to eachother like you know everything. By only having this AMATURE video, if the boy did a crime he should be punished in court and the police officers should be charged with brutality by the way they decided to restrain him. There is no question that it was not the proper way. Only by the choke hold itself, they should be punished. Video doesn't show WHO caused the blood on the poor boy, UNFORTUNATELY and listen however close you want but you here no screaming from the boy either. If you say you do, then prove that it is the actual boy that you hear. This is another incident to tear our community, city, state and maybe even further apart! Race this, race that, police this citizen that.Our only issue in this video is that our officers were obviously called there for a reason, unfortunately we have no evidence how or what caused the boy to become bloody but what we do know is that we have 2 large officers holding an injured boy in a headlock until "possibly" passing out. That is the incident based on video itself. Jesus you don't know eachother or the FULL COMPLETE story of what took place. And by the way,(24 August 2009 12:48) if you can't speak or type in english than you should keep comments to yourself
Just glad it was 2 black police officers that were trying to arrest the black suspect. Just wouldn't want to see the comments if it was 2 white cops and a black suspect.
By the way the suspect is in custody and that is what matters. I don't and you don't know why the police were called. Was he already beaten when cops arrived? Was he trying to resist arrest and struck an officer and the officer defended himself? Like I said I don't know what happened and neither do you. But just remember when your ass needs someone to help you because you have someone breaking into your house while your there and they have weapons what number do you call? 911
a child face should never look like that at all i think they may need look more in this it is not right no matter what has happen . very sad!! we need to fell safe!not the other way a round
If you're sick of police brutality, get involved with the Oscar Grant case, the first case in California history where an on-duty cop is being put on trial for murder. Follow the trial and find out how you can help at http://bartcopkiller.yolasite.com
There again we have a video showing the end of an altercation and everyone--especially blacks--assume it's brutality. Thank god the cops were black, too. Jesse Jackson would have been all over Toledo cause a black kid got his ass whipped. We are not out there to be punching bags, people!! That being said, they probably popped him in the nose once or twice and that's where all the blood is coming from.
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