Friday, 13 March 2009

NY PD attacking a bicyclist

A rookie cop - the son of a highly respected New York City detective - has been stripped of his badge and gun after being caught on video viciously attacking a bicyclist who was part of a Times Square demonstration. Police officials say Patrick Pogan was dismissed last week. He was suspended last year after pleading not guilty to criminal charges of filing false paperwork.
His lawyer, Stuart London, says his 23-year-old client resigned and expects to be vindicated at trial.
Pogan is accused of knocking Christopher Long off his bicycle without justification on June 25 during a group-organized bike ride.

Pogan had arrested Long, saying the cyclist blocked traffic and steered his bike into an officer, but charges were dismissed after the video appeared on YouTube.


Anonymous said...

He was going to block the cyclist and .And like one of Michael Moore movies shows you need to have low intelligence to be policeman they don't want to have smart people but brutal ones

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