Sunday, 1 March 2009

15 year old girl brutally beat by cops Seattle, Washington Police

CCTV footage of a US police officer apparently beating a 15-year-old girl has been released. The pictures show the sheriff's deputy kicking, punching and pulling the hair of the teenager before throwing her to the floor of a jail cell. Prosecutors released the footage during the assault case against Deputy Paul Schene, who is accused of using excessive force. The 31-year-old has pleaded not guilty to fourth-degree assault and has told prosecutors his actions were to "prevent another assault", by the teenager.


Hindu for Justice said...

This is very distressing. The officer also may be having kids at home. How would he feel when this happens to his children. Just firing the officer would not work, he needs to be given jail time and his name should have to be included in a list of voilent criminals and he should be made to register his address with the local police when he gets released from jail (just like sex offenders do).

United States is a police state and a police officer can arrest a hamburger if he wishes to. This officers address has to be made public.

Anonymous said...

shouldn't have got herself arrested in the first place

Anonymous said...

He did not have to do that she was only 15 and it makes you wonder if he does that to other kids what kind of man is he. poor excuse for a man

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Biggest kind of police brutality i seen on this site so far

Anonymous said...

Paul Schene
1510 35th St SE
Auburn, WA 98002-8744

Anonymous said...

Thats where the word "PIG" comes into play. Excessive is not the word to describe what that punk did. He should have his cap peeled. That young ladies family really need to get him. GET HIM!!! I know i would if that was my family member in that video. He would be MEAT.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This was a sad day for cops everywhere... Is this state if you get into a bar brawl an hit someone over the head with a beer can or bottle thats considered Assault 2nd degree, which is a violent crime an a strike on the 3 strikes program. Also considering this man was trained to "Sub-Due" the perp not smash on the person ALL READY in custody. The fact that she's 15 makes this an even more vicious "crime" she's a juvenile. Makes you wonder how he treats his kids when they get out of line.. In all he's a cop an WE all know he'll recieve a slap on the wrist an told not to do it again. Shameful!!! Not only to the city but the state an law enforcement. He should be jailed an remanded to DOC supervision upon release an register as a sex offender. He's a male officer an the victim was female, he should've shut the door an got a female officer to sub-due her.. I hope her parent or parents sue SPD an the state corrections dept for the violation of her rights as a detainee..

Anonymous said...

Stick the pig

Anonymous said...

I am a police Officer that spent several years working in a jail.This is embarrassing There was a better way to prevent another assault. CLOSE THE DOOR. Do not think all Police are minless animals that react soley based on anger.

Anonymous said...

you know what cute this video has no sound and it lasts for all of a min and a half... NO ONE before this whole issue went to court knew the surrounding circumstances and I suspect that most people commenting here don't know the circumstances around what happened in the video. I fully agree that it was an excesive use of force but who knows maybe she had said something about his wife that had died a months before WHO KNOWS

Anonymous said...

And you wonder why police are not respected. It does not make a difference why he did it. HE DID IT!! And I hope He was sued because he should not have kicked her or pulled her hair..She was 15 years old..And where was the female officer...

Anonymous said...

This asshole should be arrested and go to jail! It doesn't matter even if she spoke about anything in the world or provoked him in anyway (which she clearly didn't). He should not punch her and pull her hair and all that crazy stuff he did...
I hope that once he sees the inside of a prison he will get the same treatment..

Anonymous said...

Take his badge, throw him in jail, tell the inmates what he did, and record the results... He would be torn to hundreds of peaces in less than a minute.
The resulting footage would be a stern warning to other officers who do similar.

Anonymous said...

The only reason people become cops is for the POWER! Usually these sub-humans were bullies at school and have little social skills. I have met hunderds of police thru may job and can honestly say the majority of them are scumbags not worthy of existance.

Anonymous said...

I don't care what she said, it gave him no right to do that, period.. Anyone that even remotely tries to defend this criminal act is just as much a piece of crap as the cop in the video.

Anonymous said...

I pray strongly those two cops and cops like them loose their jobs. The more I see of this, the more I'm convinced cops like these will suffer a consequence equal or greater to the one they have acted out themselves. I pitty the fools! Times are coming around. Its time cops suit up for protection of the people and not the current machine that is broken and currupted. Their abuse of power will come to an end I promise them!

Anonymous said...

Lets not forget the subway incident where there were atleast 7 cops altogether and one of the cops in a split second fired a shot at the back of the young guy while he was handcuffed faced down with a knee driven into is neck. Now remember there are some serious reprocusions coming for this cops actions I assure you the time is coming near and judgement will be swift and eternal. To put it short, the cop will one way or another reap what he did and it will not be fun and pleasant.

Anonymous said...

What assholes...1st, she's an underage female who suppose to be accompanied by a female officer. 2nd, it looks like the asked for her shoes in which she kicked one off and pissed off one of the cops who then attacked her. 3rd the other cop assisted. 4th the continued assault by pulling her up by her hair after she was handcuffed. They both have been fired then arrested. The video speaks for itself. Excessive force/brutality no excuse for it!

Anonymous said...

whats wrong with these people just because they have a get-away badge doesnt mean they can do whatever they like.

Anonymous said...

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Those police need to have two guys that are atleast two to three times their size beat their a$$ to sleep, while their handcuffed, and then let them lay there and think about what they did, or either let them watch someone do that to their daughter and see how they like it, not really do that to their daughters but make them think that just to show them how it feels, I bet their attitudes would be totally different.

Anonymous said...

He's a bully and also probably abuses animals

Anonymous said...

I hope he has daughters and someone beat the shit out of her like he did the little girl Shame on the force he works for for paying an nut like him.

Anonymous said...

Things wrong with this:
- the cop's first reaction is to kick the girl (00:09)
- he then goes immediately for her neck and head (00:10)
- he slams her head into the wall (00:11)
- he throws her to the ground by her hair (00:12)
- once she is restrained, he proceeds to punch her in the head twice (00:18)
- he drags her to her feet by her hair (00:44)
- and he marches her out the door while continuing to pull on her hair (00:46)

It does not matter what she said to the cop previously. It does not matter if the crime that she committed was against the cop's own family. His behavior is unacceptable. Period.

Anonymous said...

i want to kill this cop with knife..slowly
sorry for bad english

Anonymous said...

We also need the external cell view as well so one can clearly see the 'assault' on the officer's pants leg via shoe sole.

Prairiefyre said...

Watch the Shock doctrine (Naomi Klein) and
End of America (Naomi Wolfe) on youtube.

This behavior is intended to let all of us know that they would do it to us too, given half a chance. And people will continue to say things like we shouldn't done whatever they think provoked the attack. There is no provocation. It's about power and control. The police are the "shock troops" of the power elite. Anyone who is thinking about being a cop has to consider that truth.

wiwichu.asf said...

This is incredibly disturbing. Not that I don't think this type of abuse happens too often, it's just hard to actually watch. The young woman is 15 years old. Why is it necessary to have two grown ass men bring her down and beat her like this? Situations like this one makes it difficult to have respect for police officers. It really discredits them. I know they are not all the same but it somehow takes away from having trust in the men in blue at all. I don't wish this abuse on anyone but something inside of me makes me wish that when the cops got home after that shift that they are mysteriously shot in the ass and unable to walk for their rest of their lives. I know for a fact that what they did to that girl in the bathroom is going to stay with her for the rest of her life. That to me is the real damage.

Anonymous said...

Yeah it was to prevent another assult from the frail teenager... That's why he went to the corner her face hit to check for blood smears.

Anonymous said...

seriously if i ever came across that guy who beat that girl i promise you he'll be beating or even dead

Anonymous said...

For those of you who are saying that there is some circumstantial evidence that we can't hear/see, and therefore no one should jump to any conclusions...I gotta ask...

Does the inside of your rectum look as bad as it smells?

Anonymous said...

Times have changed in America. It's practically a police state with misconduct by all levels of government that are now just an everyday occurrence. Some people buy guns for self-defense against criminals walking the streets; I bought guns because of the fear my government instills. I just found out I'm having a daughter and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to stand by and wait for this kind of violence to hit home before anything is done about it.

Anonymous said...

And you teach other countries deomocracy. Go to hell united states. Save the teenagers then come to teach us the democracy

Anonymous said...

its just send shivers (but mostly anger)down my spine seeing officers do something so uncalled for , i feel that letting the officer go was not the right decision.....if i was that little girls family i would probably hunt him down.

Anonymous said...

Some police detectives depend soley on lying informants for all their information. The bigger the lie by a sicko, the better the detective likes it.

Anonymous said...

Nothing new-takes such a coward male to even hit a girl, takes a couple of snakes to beat one, takes gutter trash to hide behind badges to do it. Ive been there only worse-dogpiled by 5-8 cops, yes hair pulled, punched kicked, slammed my head and body into cement, and cops if you recall I had one thing to say to the biggest one-your momma must be some proud of you-little man!
How do you gain possession of your own in cell video? I wasnt permitted to view anywhere but in the lawyers office-Their claim-fear it would get circulated! Wonder why-hell it was brutally edited anyhow, with huge time slots missing in each frame immediately before I struck back-no wonder no one trusts them anymore. I got jumped for having an anxiety attack! All I have to say is fight back in whatever way you can!

Anonymous said...

that is just sick... i hope paul schene gets the big book stuck up his @$$ and does real time with daddies that have teen daughters...
paul schene, you make me sick!!!

Anonymous said...


who is her Attorneys ???????

I was attacked by a corrections officer at the Tacoma WA. Pierce county Jail


Anonymous said...

NO man should stand by and allow this to go on any further, we take up arms and we stop this here and now then and forever.

Anonymous said...

Its reasons like this that I work with a company that provides prepaid legal services. The man has too much power now days. If your interested check it out if not don't let the man get ya down.

Anonymous said...

I see a stressed out guy using violence to put fear into a teenager... a 15 year old girl that doesn't respect authority (I assume she was cheeky with the uniform). But in this day and age of bailouts, untested vaccines, illegal wiretaps, depleted uranium, toxic foods and toys, no-fly lists, 9-11 criminals still on the loose... so lets cut the uniform some slack, and just tell him to arrest the real criminals. Your IRA and property values depend on it!! (oh, and also your children, grandchildren, and...)

Anonymous said...

next time stay out of trouble they dont bother you if you dont break laws... lucky your in america at least shes not dead? should check the laws of other countries that rape, and kill little girls like her for being a wise ass...take it from me ive seen it first hand in Iraq

Anonymous said...

that guy looked capable of rapeing her he totally overpowered her for his own enjoyment

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The same cop shot and killed a mentally disabled guy a couple of years ago and got himself pulled over while under the influence of alchohol and prescription drugs. What a piece of $hit. I hate pigs.

Anonymous said...

This is so disgusting that it pains me to view it. What kind of coward will beat a 15 year old GIRL!!!! She is tiny and petite and he reminds me of that idiot Chicago officer who beat the bar female employee!! One should not wonder why many citizens do not trust the police!

Anonymous said...

I mean really the comment on march 27 of 2009 13:36 when you choose the positon of protect and serve between that line you seperate yourself from your job because thats when you become seroius so even if your family member might die you do not put your anger at someone that might mention them in a bad way becuse where all goign to die some day but we just dont know when and 4Paul Schene he deserve to serve time and be fired for doing what he did i mean come on did he really think that he was going to get the tape and lose it i can truly say the system doesnt work illegal all the time

Anonymous said...

I just watched the video and it's sad really. Took the time to read some of the comments too. First of all she probably got arrested for a violation of statue (which is not the same as breaking the law), on the other hand the cop (who is suppose to be a peace officer) did commit a crime (personal injury to some one or someone's property). Plain and simple the family and the girl personally should do a private claim and seek a commercial lein on this guys and turn his life upside down for the rest of his life...for the cop who commented, I am glad that you recognize that this was wrong and yes not all cops are bad (some actually take the time to educate themselves on what their primary duties really are, very few however)...but we all allow this to happen by not doing anything and refusing to educate ourselves in what law, government, finance and who we really are. I hope we soon start to see the light. If you really knew that not only cops, but judges and attorney's constatly break the law more than we ever do and on real crimes not jus Bull statue. My sympathy for the girl...

David said...

Every single one of you are dumbasses. He never broke the law. He is the law.

Anonymous said...

If people don't respect the police, they would have no power, which would spell disaster for society at large. I definitely think this officer should be reprimanded, and harshly, but there's a good reason why no one with half a brain would ever kick or throw something that wasn't a kleenex at a police officer.

Anonymous said...

I in no way condone what the officer did, however most people are condemning him and do not know the entire circumstance that lead up to the situation. I work in a juvenile facility and the person that said this girl was frail obviously have never worked with them in situations such as this, because in no way are these kids frail. she was obviously locked up for a reason and she also had just assaulted another youth. who are we to assume that this was not warrented.

Anonymous said...

whats is this we are in USA the land of the free and just but we have rights to and this very clearly that was taken from her she only 15 a child sad i dont understand why he do those things to her!!! come on now!for real!!!!

Unknown said...

There's no however to this. Brutality is self evident. Just beating the crap out of a person justified under the color of law as restraint is not an excuse. I'd ask people with a contrary opinion to lend themselves to a little and then give their opinion. Your either a person or an animal, and people are thrown in prison for doing less to a dog or a cat. Wake up !! Have a little self respect.

Anonymous said...

she had it comming to her.she kicked her shoe at the cop what was he going to do.

Anonymous said...

I live in anniston, al. My husband and his friend is a victim of police brutality. On November 13, 2009, he and his friend were pulled over by drug task force. Obviously, they were undercover. Once my husband pulled his car over, and stepped out the car. The officers jump out with their pistols drawn, yelling and cursing get on the ground. My husband thought someone was about to rob them, so he tries to run for his life, and the passenger was scared to death, that he didn't even move. One officer comes and pulls him thru the window and beat him repeatedly while in cuffs. His eye was swollen, black and blue, and his blood vessels were busted and bleeding. My husband was cuffed and beaten with a pistol in his head,and his face was smashed to the ground with the officers knee on side of his head, and he was kicked. Once taken in, the officers stated that they thought the passenger was someone else. Whatever happened to anouncing who they were, or showing some form of law enforcement to the guys. They didn't know who y'all were and still they had no right to beat these young men. Also, why didn't they ask for identification from the men, and when the passenger asked to see a picture of the guy who they thought he was, he was denied. Officers get away with a lot of wrong doing, and it's time for it to cease, and for people to stand up for their rights.

Anonymous said...

this is very disturbing... i mean this really makes me wonder about the police force and who is qualified. i say this is just about on the same level as rape thats just rediculous

Anonymous said...

tuthfully it was that one officer that was beting her....the other officer was standin there lik wtf?!?!?!?! since im only 16 if tht was my sis or gf or somethin i wouldve sued or proboblly caused some havok

Unknown said...

Thats messed up!! this should be take to the supreme court. IN this tape, there was no assault. A shoe was thrown to the police, but that does not give the god giving right to beat the living hell out of her. This should be take seriously by everyone, the people run this country, the people should write and take action about this. Last I hurd, these cops didnt get anything but a slap on the wrist. I believe the deserve more. This country is for the people, and by the people. We have the power to fire these cops, no pay, sentence them to jail, and fined because God knows, if we as citizens beat up the living hell out of a cop or any official of the law, we would be prosecuted to the full the extent. SO we must apply the same to them. The bible says, live by the sword, die by the sword. Laws are applied to us, same laws and action and consequences should be applied to these supposedly Officers of the law. I pray to God that he takes action upon these officers, there curse will be far greater than their action and abuse upon this poor citizen. There over abuse of authority will be seen by and has been seen, oh officers, you guys are screwed. People may not do anything now, but GOD ALMIGHTY will. God, do not forgive these cops, for they do know what they do.

Anonymous said...

This is just ridiculous. Cops are just like people only with uniforms & badges, so what gives them the right to beat people like that. If someone beats a cop they will most likely be severly prosecuted, yet if a cop beats someone, and claims it was to "prevent future assault"--(as if), they get a "let this be the last time this happens" type of warning. Makes no damn sense.

Anonymous said...

i believe like smoe one wrote above the cop told her to take off her shoes they have too the girl probably had an attitude and pissed the sorry a** cop off.still no excuse.and why was 2 male officers handeling a female period where are the female officers?stuff like this is whats gonna cause a civalwar between policeand and "THE PEOPLE"if that was my daughter,i'd make resivations for PRISON for myself because i'd kill everyone envolved

Anonymous said...

I don 't think we know the whole story in this case, but I tell you, it sure looks like this "Cop" used "excessive" force in this case. Maybe "Someone" will hire thugs to slap and beat the holy crap out of this jerk (cops), if he is found guilty!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

No wonder cops are being shot in Washington!! I can not believe this pig was acquitted for this!!!

Anonymous said...

yo. this dude flung her just by her hair alone and all she did was kick her shoe off. there was 100%no need for that at all. i feel bad for her family and her.

Anonymous said...

I am a Police Officer, and not only am I discusted but also embarrased. I feel bad for those of us Officers who have sense and have to do a good job, which makes citizens not want to have anything to do with us.And for any of you out there who would make a damn good Police Officer dont let this make you say "Man F...K that I would never wanna be a cop, there all bad." I use to think like that but I know now that if I can be one officer who knows how to control and detain as we all should, thats one person that will be treated properly no matter what the crime. We as officers are taught to control ourselves, so there is no reason for this sad diplay. Remember only you can make a difference, if you want any off this to eventually change then help make a difference. I wish it was a little harder to be a cop considering all that we must be able to endour. My grandsons father had him scared when he saw cops like they want to hurt him, and now he is only three in a half, and he cant wait to be a good police officer. Most cops with the stress would never want any of there children let alone grandchildren becoming an officer because the toll it can take on you, but I couldnt be more proud.Dont let anyone tell you what you can or cant do. Be what ever is gonna help you prosper in life.

Anonymous said...

Ohh yeah, kicking her shoe at them.. That's a really good reason to beat a 15 year old girl.....


Anonymous said...

I'm fourteen and I live in oly. If this kind of thing is happening I'm now terrified. That poor girl. Does anyone know what she was arrested for? If nothing else so that i can watch out. I'm doing a project, that's the only reason I'm looking this stuff up. THIS IS EFFED UP!!! WHAT THE HELL WAS HE THINKING?!

Ani said...

No one is above the law. What gives these "people" the right to beat up a poor girl? Anger management not workin for ya? Wife cheatin on ya? Maybe the chick looks like his wife, who knows. No matter what, that guy's an a$$. What is wrong with you? Dude? seriously! She's only fifteen.

Anonymous said...

there has been so much police seem's
we hear everyday someone who was complying with
the officer yet was beaten to the point of concussion and other serious injuries. Why?? We all complain yet nothing is being done to stop
this insanity! These police officer's are nothing
more than anti-social thug's who enjoy's beating up on the weak and inflicting serious injury and excuses are made for their horrific behavior. And we accept it.

Anonymous said...

Personally, that cop needs to die, in quite a horrific way. Unfortunately he'll go through the legislative process, with any luck, someone will murder him. I'm taking all bets.

Anonymous said...

this is disgusting. that man deserves to be behind bars. not guarding inmates. this is 1 video with 1 girl. how many hundreds of these girls has he beaten like this?

Anonymous said...

This is a single incident, and is there any knowledge any of us has as to what kind of things this 15 year old has been doing while incarcerated prior to this event? We saw her kick her shoe at the officer, and if she kicked it at his testicles, I would not be the least bit surprised at the outcome, though it was a little excessive, the intent/attempt to restrain was not unreasonable in and of itself.

Anonymous said...

Fuqk The Laws! They Can Suqk My Dikk! Fuqkin Races Ass Piqqs.

Anonymous said...

if this guy is so tired of his job he should quit. unfortunately it is to late for him now. to assault a young girl like this, only because he was frustrated, not because he was stopping an assault. i mean come on anyone can see this. he is a poor excuse for a man, and a even worse excuse for a jailer/cop. he should be taken out and have his ass in the old days..with a actual whip. like 100 lashes in public. then run out of the state with a tattoo on his forehead stating his worth,,something like punkass childbeater. or sent to prison, put in general population with his paperwork pinned to his back.

Anonymous said...

im doin a project on police brutality and this is the perfect example why cops cant be trusted and coopreated with because theres always that one officer who feels as if they can do what they want when they think their off camera sadly their not and its ashame these are the people that"protect" us hahaha what a joke smh. very disgusting and disappointing

Anonymous said...

that cop is sick.a 15 year old girl takes to cops to handle you can see him punching her while sitting on her..he need to be in jail looks like he enjoys hitting girls...

runescape money making guide said...

Oh my god! Is this actually true!

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